Markets are not demographics.
Branding Vs Cross Dressing
Time and time again I have seen business owners go out of their way to advertise their businesses as something they are not, in an attempt be what they believe their customers want them to be.
Trying to be something we're not can be a rough experience for everyone involved and can often lead to painful and irreversible operations…
The attempt to cross-dress in business may secure a sale but very little repeat business.

Why is that?
In answer to my own question - it's because the customer does not receive what they expect. The business has over promised and under delivered.
The answer…get better at what we're doing!…or is there another solution?
I invite you to consider an alternative.
Why not advertise the strengths of our business, provide what our customer is promised in the advertisement and create a customer for life?
Sounds easy.
Unfortunately, most business owners are not aware of the real value in their business.
Discovering why our 'great clients' love dealing with us is essential to attract more of the same.
Discovering these details is part of our brand.
Branding is more than logo, it's more than a veneer for the business and it's certainly not our attempt to wear sheep's clothing.
Our brand is part of who we are as a team. The actions we take, the way we answer a phone or the way we address a problem are all parts of how a customer recalls our branding.
My challenge to you is to look a little harder at the actions you take in your business.
Look at the reasons why customers stick around and see if you can't come up with better ways you can attract the customers you want, by advertising and promoting the quirks and attitudes that make you and your business special.
Your new clients will thank you for it.