Is your business doing what it's saying to the market?
Is your Business Mobile Ready
Is your business ready for mobile?
Now is the time to join the mobile revolution
From smartphones and tablets to wearable technology, the evolution of mobile devices is one of the key factors influencing the marketing world.

The shift to creating an adaptable experience no matter the device is becoming more critical than ever with more than 40% of traffic to most websites coming from mobile devices. To prevent users from clicking away from your website in the first 3 seconds, it’s important to ensure that when customers land on your website the get what they expect - expectations are growing.
As of April 2015 Google have made changes to users who search on mobile, boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on search results. Allowing users to easily find more results that don’t require tedious double tapping or zooming. If you wish to check if your page is mobile friendly you can do so with the link provided below.
Desktop browsers and mobile devices continuously evolve and a website that was created even 2 years ago, may need a review to see if it’s hitting the right notes for your customers.
Taking advantage of mobile technology now will get you ahead of the game in many industries. There are plenty of businesses that are already falling behind to making the move now may be the competitive advantage you need to leap frog competitors. Not only in Search Engine Optimisation (which is a lead generation action) but on the site itself, leading to higher conversion rates, more customers and ultimately more money in your bank account.
The influence of mobile is only increasing, companies who want to be leading online must leverage the power of mobile or be left behind. Our suggestion is to create a responsive website that adapts to multiple screen sizes, ensuring that as desktop, tablet and mobile screens develop your website doesn’t become unusable.
There is always more you can be doing in the online space, but the mobile web should now be a priority.
Contact us at Crimson Fox so we can guide you to achieving mobile success.