Results come at the intersection of purpose and action.
What events are running?
Branding Workshop
- Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Positioning your Business in Competitive Markets

Positioning your brand effectively is essential for the longevity of any business. Today more than ever, the challenges and effects of branding have greater scope than ever before.
Russell Pearson, Brand Strategist and Director of the Crimson Fox Creative Studios will be presenting on the elements of effective brand design, how to look at branding in a broader way and how to ensure that your brand messages align with your unique business goals.
You'll discover:
- The 3 steps to Effective Brand Design
- Activities that will ensure your Branding Success
- Mistakes being made by countless businesses and how to avoid them
- The best way to approach branding for small business through to large organisations
Date: Thursday 23rd August 2012 9am-11.30am
Location: Monash Enterpise Centre - 5a Hartnett Close Mulgrave, Victoria
Cost: $45.00 (cheque, cash or direct debit) payment instructions will be forwarded at time of booking.
Seats are limited, so register your interest now on:
03 9886 3333 or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alternatively, CLICK HERE to request a ticket.
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