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What events are running?
September National Speakers Event
- Thursday, 05 September 2013
Making a difference
- Changing the world one speech at a time
Monday Evening 16 September 2013
If you've never seen Glenn Capelli speak then you're in for a treat. This is the speakers speaker. WINNER KEYNOTE SPEAKER OF THE YEAR National Speakers Association of Australia. Glenn is the only professional speaker in Australia to have won all three highest professional speaking industry awards. Educator of the Year in 2006, the Nevin Award in 2007 and now the Keynote Speaker of the Year 2013.

Learning how to move a crowd, a room, a group or even an individual is the goal of any professional speaker and Glenn is the master. Having seen him first hand, there is a depth to his performance that many won't see in the first sitting. But all will walk away with a message fixed firmly to their sub-conscious, making his deliver hard to shake
For any professional speaker or trainer, this is a don't miss event. Not only will you learn more how you can intergrate some of his fantastic techniques into your own presentation skills, Glenn will also be taking this opportunity to introduce you to some amazing people who are literally changing the world one speech at a time.
For more information or to book for this event click here.