Effective branding gets you more of the right customers returning more often.

Marry With Marketing

Looking to marry or just want a quick fling?

Is your business looking for a one-night stand or to marry with marketing?

Read more: Marry With Marketing

an article about shared values

Small Values, Big Returns

I'm often asked to discuss values as they pertain to organisational culture. Are they important? Do shared values really make a difference in a business? Are the benefits the business gains, worth the time and effort that it takes to align a company and focus its people?

Read more: an article about shared values

Marketing in 2014

3 Things to consider when marketing in 2014

It's going to be a big year in 2014. There is opportunity everywhere. Let's get prepared and take advantage of what's on offer to build effective brands in the year ahead. Here are my top 3 areas that are going to be key to your brand and marketing success in 2014.

Read more: Marketing in 2014

Building Brand Trust

How to build trust in your brand?

Building a trusted brand is simply a case of building a quality relationship with all those stakeholders that have input into what your brand becomes - Customers, Employees, Management and Suppliers

Read more: Building Brand Trust

Branding Vs Cross Dressing

Time and time again I have seen business owners go out of their way to advertise their businesses as something they are not, in an attempt be what they believe their customers want them to be.

Trying to be something we're not can be a rough experience for everyone involved and can often lead to painful and irreversible operations…

Read more: Branding Vs Cross Dressing

Download your Free Branding Guide Booklet

Download your Free Branding Guide Booklet

How to Effectively Brand your Products and Business to Highly Targeted Audiences

Branding is more than just a logo, so Crimson Fox has but together a branding guide to get you started.

Read more: Download your Free Branding Guide Booklet

5 Brand Mistakes

Download your Free Branding eBook

The Top 5 Brand Mistakes and how to avoid them

We’re counting down the Top 5 Branding Mistakes made by business owners and how to avoid them. These are mistakes we’ve seen made in countless businesses of all sizes in almost all industries.

Read more: 5 Brand Mistakes


Is colour important to your business and brand?

What's in a Colour?

Colour can be descriptive. Colour can affect the way we think. Colour can affect the way we feel.

Read more: Colour

branding article

Branding your business – Internal vs. External

Creating a strong brand is essential to the success of a business. As a business owner you want your company to be remembered, you want your business name to be the first thing that comes to a customers mind when they think of the products and services that you sell.

...click here to read morebranding article

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